Energy Star Guidance


The following documents are prepared by the Environmental Protection Agency for use in planning and constructing ENERGY STAR houses. We make every effort to verify that these documents are current, but EPA does revise these documents from time to time.

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One of the conditions for certifying an ENERGY STAR house is that the builder must be an ENERGY STAR Partner which is free and requires a small amount of time for an online training webinar.

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HVAC Installers

To ensure that HVAC systems in ENERGY STAR qualified homes are installed properly, the HVAC contractor will be required to complete and sign a detailed inspection checklist based on the QI Standard. An independent Home Energy Rater will also review the contractor’s checklist and validate key data points for accuracy.

Further, HVAC contractors who wish to install systems in ENERGY STAR Version 3 homes will be required to be ‘credentialed’ by an EPA–recognized third–party training and oversight organization (H-QUITO).

HVAC Installer Certification REQUIRED - click here.

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ENERGY STAR for new homes guidelines website




Guidebooks with photos of good and bad examples to help explain the different checklist items.